Minor update to web site

I have just updated my web site with a few more bird photos and one more flower photo.

I only really did the update as I noticed the ‘hit counter’ was no longer working – it turns out that my web host no longer supports Microsoft Frontpage Extensions, which it needed. I’m now using a hit counter supplied from the web host.

I’ve still been feeling weak after my recent virus, and haven’t been able to go for any long walks. Very frustrating! Managed 3 or 4 miles all around Kensworth Quarry on Thursday, when I saw a Green Woodpecker and some Ground Ivy and Coltsfoot.


Other than that, I’ve just done some more bird watching in the garden. Finally managed to get a closer shot of the Great Spotted Woodpecker that sometimes visits, and managed to get some very close-up shots of a Great Tit.

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Great Tit

Great Tit

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