My WAB blog
I frequently visit the WildAboutBritain website (usually abbreviated to WAB). It is a very usueful source of information about nature in Britain, has some very helpful and entertaining forums, and has some wonderful photo galleries. I post there under the rather unoriginal name of ‘Pete Collins’.
WAB members can have their own blog there, and so I have started one where I record more about the nature I see on my walks and elsewhere. Occasionally, I copy my posts from there on to this blog – for instance, if I go bird watching, that’s relevant to both blogs so I simply use the same entry. When I go for a long walk, I write a reasonably detailed account here, and put a stripped down version on my WAB blog, with scant details of the walk but full details of the birds, wildflowers, etc., that I saw.
My WAB blog is at:
The WAB forum page is: